reasured Family

My Story
Treasured Turnings is the result of having worked in various forms of
woodworking most of my life. Learning first, the functional construction form and
then the art forms from my father. In fact my earliest memory of Dad was being
carried into a construction site on the end of his tool box as a young child. From
those early years to this day, I carry the lessons taught to me by my father.
I have been working with wood for over 50 years, in construction, furniture
building and restoration, and boat building. I am dedicated to the natural beauty
each type of wood has to offer.
I started turning 35 plus years ago in my furniture restoration shop making
replacement parts. I have found time in more recent years to create pieces to
adorn the wrists of friends and loved ones in the form of bangles. Staying true to my Yankee roots, not wanting to waste materials, I also make Christmas
ornaments from the cored centers of the bangles.
I dabbled in bowl making some years ago and in more recent years they
have become my passion. I enjoy discovering the form in each piece of wood. Not always knowing what hidden treasure can be revealed from within.
All turnings are made from trees native to central New Hampshire, and
many exotic trees found in other parts of the world. Each piece is turned one at a time, unique unto itself. No two items will ever be identical.
It is my hope that you will enjoy my artistry, and pass them down for
generations to come, giving you and others the opportunity to enjoy my craft as
much as I enjoy creating them.

Caring for
Caring for your Bangles:
These are finished with a product that will hold up to day to day activities, they should not be allowed to be submerged in water for any length of time. If your bangle gets wet, dry it off with a soft absorbent cloth. Don't use harsh cleaners; it will remove the finishing wax that is on the bangle when you get it. Buffing your bangle with a dry soft cloth will help keep its luster.
Caring for your Bowls:
When you get your bowl it has several coats of food safe salad bowl finish, with a coat of beeswax over that. Your bowl may be washed in warm water usinga mild dish detergent and then dried throughly. As your bowl ages you may need to treat it with some type of beeswax, there are many products available on the
market. An email to my site will get you my recommendations.
Caring for your Ornaments:
Finished with an CA top coat just wipe with a soft dry cloth they should keep their luster for years.